Difference Between Photographer and Videographer
It is very easy for people who aren’t fully aware about a certain field (in this case, media), to categorise certain expertise’s into one, like photography and videography. They both have elements of capturing life and visuals into film, however photography results into a still image and videography results into a series of moving media that you can watch.

The end product is a key difference that really sets both aside from one another, and also the way you edit the raw image or video. When a professional photographer edits their image, they would usually use a software such as ‘Adobe Photoshop’, where they would explore editing variations such as, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, shadows, highlights, cropping the image, rotation, transparency/fading etc. These futures are all usually used to enhance the natural beauty of the photograph or to adjust certain anomalies. In a way, you can also argue that videographers also use similar editing skills when it comes to their film/videos, however they would use different software’s. When editing a video, a professional would usually use a software such as ‘Adobe Premiere Vision Pro’. In addition to using similar editing tools as photography, when editing a film/video you would also consider adding music, sound effects, special effects, working with timings etc.
Depending on the situation of a film and photoshoot set, the roles of both in terms of creative direction can differ easily. Usually in a situation where a photographer is shooting a model(s) on set for a magazine editorial, they would very much be in control of the whole process and types of poses. You would hear them blaring out comments to the model(s), “give me more!”, “look alive!”, “turn your head slightly right”, it’s all very posed, planned and capturing emotions/life into a still image. Whereas in a typical videographer situation such as a wedding, you wouldn’t usually have the videographer going around to people and directing them on what to do. Its more about capturing moments, experiences and the unexpected. Although vies versa both videography and photography can switch roles in terms of creative direction depending on the situation, e.g. a videographer on a film set is planned like a photoshoot, and photographer capturing unexpected shots of people in the city.